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Interview Jim Parrack

So did you go through this whole boot camp training hell that everyone else did?

Jim Parrack: “Oh yeah.”

What was that like?

Jim Parrack: “It was intense. You know, we didn’t know each other yet. It was a great way to get to know each other because it forced the issue. We were in the woods, alone…well, under the care of some wonderful people – the Marines – who were wonderful. But yeah, it was great because it got us ready to do the movie and got us familiar with each other.”

Did it give you a new appreciation for the guys in the Marines?

Jim Parrack: “Absolutely. Especially when you take into consideration we were doing such a watered down movie version of what those guys go through every day. And we knew in five days it’s back to the hotel and then to the movie set. Whereas those guys put their hearts out and their lives out a year at a time, and it’s not the end of the work day. They are out there in it without any kind of reprieve. So, my admiration for them is enormous.”


All right, I’m a freak for True Blood – read all the books, watched the show. So what are you going to do this year? Are you back with Jessica? Do you know anything?

Jim Parrack: “We are back together and we are struggling.”

Are you ever going to be happy?

Jim Parrack: “Come on, that’s not good TV. I am happy, I am happy. But, you know, Deborah [Ann Woll] and we kind of said what if we said to ourselves that everything about humans and vampires not working out, what if we just told ourselves, ‘Our love’s bigger than that? It’ll never happen to us.’ And now we’re starting to realize this is going to be tough. It’s going to be very tough.”

What’s life on the set like now?

Jim Parrack: “It’s the most warm…we all really like each other a lot. We all are involved with each other’s lives. It’s like a family. Everybody who shows up to that set is there to put out, put out with their heart, make something good. There’s nobody there to take something. Everybody is there to give. And if you were there for a second, you’d feel right at home. It’s wonderful.”

What I like about it is it’s such an ensemble, but they let each of you shine. So when get those scripts are you happy when you see Hoyt has his moments?

Jim Parrack: “You get these butterflies. We get a little text or an email saying, ‘The script is coming,’ and all of us are like, ‘Oh, it’s coming!’ And then we crack it open and read it, and it’s a thrill. It’s a thrill.”

Is there something that you’ve filmed already that you can talk about that’s your favorite moment, without giving too much away?

Jim Parrack: “Let me say this, there is a sequence coming up where a character – a male character – has a dream where Jessica and I are both in bed with him. It’s gnarly. I think fans will like that.”

It can’t be Bill because he wouldn’t think of his ‘daughter’ like that.

Jim Parrack: “I can’t even say. I can’t even say other than I’m in on it too, so it’s interesting.”

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